a sewing of two hands in red threads

Sign of Time


Silk, cotton thread

80cm x 80cm,

3 layers - I love you, 3 layers - Family

Single Edition

Artist Statement

This artwork features silk fabric adorned with hand-sewn red threads, forming three layers that depict sign language. The first one displays the sign for "I love you," while the second one showcases the sign for "Family."

The artist's intention is to use natural materials to craft three-dimensional hand shapes that represent Auslan and ASL signs. These hands are suspended in the air, creating a sense of organic movement, symbolizing a sign that moves on its own. Through this artwork, the viewer gains a glimpse into the perspective of a deaf person and their unique way of perceiving the world.


2020 “Seed Stitch Contemporary Textile Awards (SSCTA)” Australian Design Centre

2018 “Rock Paper Scissors” St George College of Fine Arts and Ceramic Design, Ultimo


2020 Australian Design Centre Award, Seed Stitch Contemporary Textile Awards (SSCTA), Australian Design Centre

Auslan and captions